Types Of Microservices Architecture


These days, most developers use microservices architecture when making new applications. There are several difficulties, but it has the potential to resolve many issues. In order to solve any orchestration problems effortlessly, it is essential to be familiar with the typical design pattern. 

Now that we understand what microservices architecture patterns are, let’s examine them in more detail and discover the way they work.

Table of Contents

  • Types of the Microservices Architecture
  • Conclusion

Types of the Microservices Architecture

Software development frameworks that provide independent, reusable services are termed as microservices. Developers that work with microservices should be able to speed up application updates as well as if necessary, launch each microservice separately.

Every microservices pattern has its own set of pros and cons. Here are a few examples of microservice design patterns:

Design patterns for microservices

Developers might find a few of the most well-known Microservices Training design patterns useful, so let’s have a look at them.

  • API portal

An application programming interface gateway is a variant of an aggregator. What DevOps calls “the facilitator of APIs” are microservices. Problems like how to process numerous protocol queries simultaneously or the best way to request data from numerous microservices can have gateways installed.

In addition to fixing the aforementioned problems, an API gateway may fix any future problems that may arise. If you want to send a request to an appropriate microservice, you can use this design pattern as a proxy.

Like an aggregator, a gateway to the API can make queries to several services and subsequently return the results to the consumer or compound service. It also has the potential to serve as the gateway for all microservices. Through this process, APIs built on microservices can be fine-tuned to meet the specific requirements of various client groups. 

To put it simply, the API gateway design pattern allows API gateways for converting between different types of protocol requests. They may also move the burden of authorization and authentication from the microservices to something else.

Come up with this situation. A customer makes a formal request. The API gateway receives this information and uses it as a starting point. After that, it notifies the relevant microservices of the request. The next step is for the load balancer to assign the service the request.

Because of this, microservices can talk to each other through a stateless server, such as an HTTP request or an message bus.

  • Backend for the front end

An alternative to the previously described API gateway architecture is backend for front-end, or BFF. For better client-microservice communication, it adds a layer of abstraction.

I can’t think of a single way in. Rather than that, BFF provides numerous entry points for every customer. Implementing an API that caters to their individual desires and requirements is possible with this method. Having everything in a single spot can be a pain, but this can alleviate a lot of that.

Keep in mind that more complicated applications may require an extension of this pattern. It is also possible to construct several gateways for specific business domains if necessary. This paradigm is well-liked by developers because of its adaptability to various microservice scenarios.

Businesses can benefit greatly from a backend for frontend strategy. On top of that, it works wonderfully with large-scale, ongoing delivery of microservice architecture.

Since not every pattern works in every scenario, this doesn’t imply that every microservices-based architecture ought to use a BFF pattern. The amount of setup time is directly proportional to the design’s complexity.

Always keep in mind that while developing many apps, it’s advisable to go with a more intricate communication architecture than what’s actually necessary to facilitate future growth.

  • Aggregator

In computer science, a “aggregator” is any platform that compiles and presents connected data sets. A basic homepage that invokes many services to retrieve data or perform tasks is an example of a microservices pattern.

Creating microservices from a monolithic architecture is a contentious topic in the output source. Whenever looking for a result that combines data from various services, this pattern may be helpful for developers.

With a distinct transaction ID, an aggregator can access data from both services’ databases, apply company logic, and then post the results as a REST endpoint. After that, any microservices that need it can receive the information gathered. 

  • Asynchronous

All services are required to communicate with with one another according to an asynchronous microservices architectural pattern. Nevertheless, the order is not necessary. To make it, you can leverage a variety of patterns and methods from the world of microservices software architecture.

Therefore, the customer can send their request to each of the three services at the same time. We will add those requests to a queue. Another service can get the request instead; the original service does not have to receive the response.

It is possible to accomplish asynchrony, but the method for doing so is application-specific. Due to this, message queues may replace REST requests and responses in some microservice designs. 

  • Branch

Data consistency is an issue that microservices face since they often need to retrieve data from many sources. Because other microservices can serve as data sources, The field microservice pattern combines elements of both the aggregator and chain styles.

Because of this, it is capable of simultaneously receiving inquiries and responses from several microservices. Branch patterns also allow for the invocation of multiple microservice chains or perhaps just one, depending on the requirements of the company.

  • Chained

When a client makes a request, a linked microservice design pattern only returns one result. Service you may get a request, for instance. After then, it talks to service two. Subsequently, service three may be in touch with number two. It is highly probable that all of these offerings will employ asynchronous HTTP request/response messaging.

  • “Blue-green” implementation

Here is always the chance of downtime and delay when numerous microservices are part of a single application. Another option to lessen the chances of this is to use a blue-green rollout approach.

Just how? By maintaining two separate but functional production environments (blue and green). Here, green represents the current running instance, while blue represents the updated application. The real-time environment handles all production traffic, and only that environment is active at any one moment.

You may execute a blue-green deployment with many, but not all, cloud-native architecture solutions.  Because downtime may have a significant effect on a company’s production and profitability, it’s a good thing.

  • Electrical circuit Breaker

For those frustrating moments when you just can’t get through on a distant call, a circuit breaker is the way to go. The apps’ systems could crash if critical resources are exhausted due to an unresponsive provider and an influx of callers.

A circuit breaker layout is useful in this situation. When the amount of failures reaches a particular threshold, the circuit breaker trip. After that, any further attempts to contact the breaker either fail or redirect the call to an unprotected service/message.

  • CQRS

If your application is huge and reads data from an event store, the command query responsibility segregation (CQRS) design might be helpful. When analyzing all entities while only retrieving one, it may be hard to distinguish read as well as update actions.

Because of this division of labor, the team working on software is able to create more flexible and manageable models.

This layout pattern’s adaptability makes it a good fit for systems that undergo continuous change. Improved speed, security, and scalability of microservice applications are all possible outcomes of using CQRS.

When reading data is more common than writing it, the CQRS pattern is the way to go. Separately, it works well for scaling the reading model.

  • UI composition

In the process of developing services by decomposing them into subdomains, dependencies, as well as company capabilities, the user experience services often need to retrieve data from multiple microservices.

There was a time when the user interface could just make one request to a backend service to retrieve all the necessary data and then either refresh or submit the page. But that’s not the case now.

The user interface on the client’s end needs to be structured like a skeleton with different parts when using microservices. In order to display the data, all of these sections will contact a separate backend microservice. Developers can accomplish this with the help of frameworks like as ReactJS as well as AngularJS.

One name for these displays is SPAs, or single-page apps. Every development team builds a user interface element that runs on the client side and manages the portion of the screen that corresponds to their service.

It is therefore the responsibility of a client-side UI composing team to implement the full page frameworks. Many UI components tailored to certain services allow them to accomplish this.

  • Bulkhead

The pattern’s name comes from the fact that it looks like the divided hull of a ship. Partitioning an app into its component parts is how it operates. Even if one breaks, all of them can keep running.

The availability as well as load of consumers determine the creation of these partitions. You can keep an application running for certain customers while others are down since it assists in identifying faults. For companies that get a lot of consumers all at once, this strategy can work.

  • Vine

The strangler pattern, which is similar to the vine pattern, looks like a vine encircling a tree. When implemented for online apps, it allows for the decomposition of services into distinct domains as well as the bidirectional transmission of messages with each URI call. The hosting of these domains is distinct from that of other services.

Both services can coexist in identical URI space, with only one domain being considered concurrently. Unless you can terminate the monolith usage, the reworked app will encircle or “strangle” the original app.


There is a wide variety of microservices architectures available, and every one has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Project needs and goals dictate the best architecture type, be it the simplicity of a monolith design, the adaptability of an API gateway pattern, the independence of a collection of micro services, or the harmony of a microservices chassis approach. In the ever-changing world of contemporary software development, builders and businesses can benefit from better decision-making when they have a firm grasp of the intricacies of these designs. This, in turn, promotes scalability, efficiency, and agility.


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