How to record google meet?

How to record google meet?

In this period, many are using to record Google Meet for brilliant working sessions or distance learning with the dynamics of e-learning. However, not everyone knows that it is possible to record video conferences (or virtual classroom lessons) so that they can keep a copy to be reviewed later if necessary.

Google Meet and meeting recording – How to Record Google Meet

To do this, follow the instructions described in the excellent guide. First, we specify that the feature is available with G Suite Enterprise and G Suite Enterprise for Education. First, the administrator must ensure that access to Drive is active for all users involved as this is where the files created will be stored: he can do this from the Administration Console. Then, suppose the possibility is to be offered only to specific accounts. In that case, it is possible to insert them in an organizational unit (to apply it according to the department) or in a configuration group (to use it for users of different departments). At this point, all that remains is to follow six steps:

  • log in to the Administration Console with your administrator account;
  • from the homepage, go to “Applications” then “G Suite” and finally “Hangouts Meet and Google Hangouts”;
  • Click on ” Meet Settings “;
  • to apply the setting to all, leave the first level organizational unit selected or choose a secondary one or a configuration group;
  • Click on “Registration” and select or deselect the box “Allow users to record their meetings”;
  • Click on “Save.”

Inherit or Replace

If you have configured an organizational unit or group, you may see the “Inherit” or “Replace” options for a parent organizational unit or the “Cancel settings” option for a group. The change usually takes effect within minutes, but it may take up to 24 hours in some cases.

It should note that the recordings include the active speaker and everything presented, not other windows or notifications. The generated file place in the “Meet Recordings” folder on the organizer’s Drive space. And an email containing the link to reach it sent to the person. Who organized the meeting and who started the recording. The same link will add to an event on the Calendar.

Regarding e-learning, teachers can register after logging in to their G Suite account (for example, Gmail), while students cannot. However, nothing prevents you from sharing files with them afterward.

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