How to clean dishwasher?

How to clean dishwasher?
Dishwasher full with dishes in kitchen

Cleaning the dishwasher in 5 steps

Empty the dishwasher and let it cool down before you start cleaning. It is best to remove the lower basket as well so that you can easily access the inside of the dishwasher. Take a look at the operating instructions for your machine if you have difficulty removing or reinstalling various parts. In this article, we read about How to clean dishwasher?

1) Clean the spray arms of the dishwasher

Remove the spray arms from the dishwasher. You can usually unscrew the upper spray arm quite quickly. The lower one is usually attached with a simple click connection. Use a toothpick to remove any leftover food from the outlet nozzles carefully. Then rinse the spray arms under running water. The remaining water can be removed from the components by gently shaking them. Be sure to rinse off clips and other connecting parts as well.

2) Clean the filter

 The filter can be found on the bottom of the dishwasher. Take it out with the sieve. You can then unscrew the filter—clean both components by hand in the sink. Use a dish brush and a mild detergent or detergent to help.

3) Clean the drain and the pump

If the pump is blocked, the water can no longer drain properly. To access the pump or the drain, the filter must be removed. If there is residual water in the dishwasher, scoop it up with a spoon, for example, or pick it up with a sponge. Be sure to wear gloves when reaching into the cavity. Broken glass or other sharp-edged parts could have settled here. Pull off the pump cover with a spoon. Remove all foreign objects so that the impeller can move freely. Make sure that the pump cover clicks into place properly when you replace it.

In this video, you can see how to clean the dishwasher pump:

4) Clean the dishwasher’s seal

Mould and bacteria can attach themselves particularly well to the sealing rubber of the dishwasher because of the moisture. The joint below the door, in particular, should be cleaned regularly. Otherwise, food scraps etc., will collect in hard-to-reach grooves. Put vinegar cleaner on a soft cloth and thoroughly wipe the rubber seals with it. The cleaner not only cleans but also makes the (new) formation of mould more difficult.

5) Idle cleaning

Reinstall all removed parts properly. Put the filter and strainer together and put them back in the bottom of the dishwasher. Make sure that everything clicks into place correctly. The correct position of the filter is often marked with arrows. When you reinstall the spray arms, check that they turn freely. The lower basket can also be reinserted.

  • Then put one to two tablespoons of baking soda on the bottom of the dishwasher.
  • Pour 20 ml of vinegar essence into the powder compartment of the dishwasher.
  • Let the machine run at the highest possible temperature without pre-rinsing.

Please do not open the machine until it has cooled down a little. This will prevent the smell of the vinegar essence from spreading too much in your kitchen. If the vinegar smell is too strong in the dishwasher, you can rerun the machine empty without detergent or with a few lemon peels.

Maintaining the dishwasher – these tips will help in everyday life

Descaling the dishwasher with lemon peel:

If no new limescale deposits can be seen, you can put the peel of a juiced lemon in the cutlery basket in between. The risk of calcium citrate formation is then low. In addition, the lemon peel provides a pleasant scent.

Remove rust film:

 Is rust collecting on your cutlery? Mostly it is not the cutlery itself that rusts, but rather cookware (pots, pans) or a damaged cutlery basket. Identify the source of the rust film. Rusty dishes should no longer be cleaned in the dishwasher – the rust also damages the machine in the long run. You can treat rusty spots on the cutlery basket with lemon peel or cola. Alternatively, you can put a bead of aluminium foil or a special aluminium rust magnet in the dishwasher. The rust settles on the aluminium and is “caught” in this way.

Dishwasher smells? Soda helps: 

Before you put dirty dishes in the empty machine, spread one to two tablespoons of baking soda on the bottom of the dishwasher. The baking soda binds the odours so that the dishwasher does not smell smelly even if the dirty dishes have been waiting in the machine for a few days. In addition, baking soda helps to descale the water.

Load the dishwasher correctly: 

Find out how to load your dishwasher correctly so that very coarse soiling can be avoided directly. For example, removing leftover food from the dishes is helpful before putting them in the dishwasher.

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