How many people died in the holocaust?

How many people died in the holocaust?

The Nazis murdered 1.47 million Jews in 100 days, more than 25% of the victims of the Holocaust. In the following article, we get to know about How many people died in the holocaust? So don’t skip the article from anywhere and read it carefully because it’s going to be very useful for you guys.

  • A study reveals that Operation Reinhard was especially deadly between the months of August, September and October 1942.
  • Traffic data from the trains used in deportations to the Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka camps have been analyzed.

Operation Reinhard was the biggest campaign of killings perpetrated by the Nazis during the Holocaust. The plan began in March 1942 and was completed 21 months later, in November 1943. The extermination camps of Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka, from which practically no one could get out alive, developed a mechanism to annihilate the Jews in mass: the gas chamber. In that period, 1.7 million people were killed. Hitler and the Third Reich carried out their extermination operation in secret until they began to lose the war and the horrors began to come to light.

How many people died in the holocaust?

A study published now by the specialized journal Science Advances estimates that in just 100 days of Operation Reinhard – between July 27 and November 4, 1492 – the Nazi regime killed 1.47 million Jews, more than 25% of the total victims of the Holocaust – between 5.4 and 5.8 million according to a recent estimate. In other words, the average daily number of murders per day was about 15,000. Monthly the number would be around 445,700.

The research, carried out by a team from Tel Aviv University led by the biomathematician Lewi Stone, has been able to make this estimate after analyzing a set of data from the railways with which the deportations to the Belzec concentration camps were carried out. , Sobibor and Treblinka people died in the holocaust. These have been compiled by historian Yitzhak Arad, who examined more than 480 deportations – the train that played the most important role was the German national Deutsche Reichsbahn – to transport Jews from 393 ghettos and cities in occupied Poland and calculated the number of victims in each transfer.

Members of Einsatzgruppen

During August and September 1942, according to the data shown in the study, almost half a million victims were registered each month, who were either gassed just a few hours after their arrival at one of the three death camps mentioned above or were executed. by members of the Einsatzgruppen. If the October records are added, in these three months (92 days), the data indicates that 1.32 million Jews, at least, were murdered by the Nazis.

The report indicates that the murder rate during Operation Reinhard has been underestimated and “persisted due to the lack of knowledge of the details about the Reinhard death camps and the effectiveness of Nazi efforts to conceal those details during the war .” The truth is that Hitler and the Third Reich, when defeat in World War II was imminent, tried to eliminate all records that documented the terrible crimes of the Holocaust.

The study also shows that the rate of deaths recorded in these 100 days is 83% higher. Then that of the Rwandan genocide, which occurred in 1994. And in whose bloodiest period, also of a hundred days. Some 800,000 Tutsis were brutally murdered.

No responsiveness

The Final Solution Hitler to annihilate those considered racially inferior was to mobilize. Concentration camps to the largest number of Jews in Europe through the railway network. The logistical challenge was solved through the participation of the  Deutsche Reichsbahn, the German national train, which employed almost half a million civil servants and 900,000 workers who volunteered to help in these relocation tasks – knowing that they were participants in the murders.

Approximately, it is estimated that 515,000 people died in Belzec, in Sobibor some 126,000 and in Treblinka almost 900,000. Operation Reinhard launched an effective extermination machine that. According to this study, “presumably could have continued to operate. Without problems for many more months maintaining the identified. Death rates had there been a continuous supply of victims” from the government area. General, that is, the territories occupied by the Nazis.

Bottom Lines

However, the drop in the number of murders recorded in November and December 1942. Just after the lethal period, is a reflection of the fact. That there were few Jews left in the area who could be deported to the death camps and gassed there. “The fact that the Operation Reinhard mass killings occurred within a three-month period probably created substantial confusion among the victims … That is, the massacre ended before there was time for an organized response. “, Stone details.

The account of Rudolf Reder, one of the two prisoners who would survive to Belzec. Collected in 1944, noted that “this was a long period of murders of Jews. The prisoners told me … that the number of transports sent to Belzec during September, October and November 1942 was much larger than the transports sent previously. During those three months, most of the Jews were killed … I saw 50 wagons each day with 100 prisoners in each, which means 5,000 victims sent to Belzec. The transports arrive seven days a week “.

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